The Wonderful World of CANBUS
Posted on by MEMS Inclinometer
inOver time, this world has been evolving with technology. Much of the industry utilizes this technology to help automate systems. CANBUS is one such standard developed to allow a huge system of devices to communicate with each other efficiently without using a host computer or mainframe.
It is a message-based protocol. It is used in a wide array of systems. Automotive and industrial applications use it to cut back on expensive electrical wiring and simplify the communication between all devices within their design.
The Basics of a CANBUS System
When you’re working with an automobile’s insides, connecting individual modules can become complex and expensive. It helps to reduce cost and increase efficiency because of its two-wire system. All of the modules within a system are connected by their CAN+ and CAN- wires, other times referred to as CAN High and CAN Low.
Each module has its own unique IDs and messages associated with them to provide details like status, specifications, speed, torque, temperature, etc. With 2GIG, we have developed our inclinometer sensor to provide angle and temperature readings via CANBUS. Our sensor’s specifications can also be adjusted through CANBUS messages to change how it behaves under certain conditions and tilt angles.
Typical Ways to Communicate
2GIG Inclinometers can handle two popular CANBUS standards of communication, J1939 and CANOpen. J1939 uses 29-bit message IDs. Whereas CANOpen uses 11-bit message IDs.
Each message IDs is transmitted at certain time intervals depicted by the baud rate, each with associated node IDs. 2GIG Inclinometers can work with any CANOpen and J1939 system to help fit the customer’s needs. If you’re new to CANBUS and not sure what you need, we can help you get started on selecting a standard and protocol to fit your design best.
Adapting to Their Systems
The J1939 and CANOpen inclinometer sensors have default protocols to provide a quick solution for communication. Baud rates, node IDs, and data output can be customer configured. If a specific protocol is required, then 2GIG Engineering will work with you to create the exact inclinometer that you need.
There is no need to feel restricted by the specifications of your device. If you work with 2GIG Engineering, there will be no limits to what we can do for your design. We will also work with you to create a custom system.